Nope Presentation - Emma Bagnall
The cultural work that this film performs is to satirize - and call for a change in - content culture that we’ve seen a lot in recent years. Many people are risking their own reputations for content and harming others in doing so, like a caucasian star who “took part” in BLM protests, but used this as an excuse to join other white citizens in robbing stores. As a result, he risked his reputation and earned a criminal record. This is the type of content creator Peele is satirizing by exaggerating these ideas with the result of death. By making the risk higher, the movie successfully shows the viewer how ridiculous it is to risk so much for content.
Two discussion questions I have for the film are:
1. Why didn't Ricky (the owner of the amusement park who summoned the Alien multiple times as shown in the trailer) try to catch the alien on film for money like our protagonists do?
2. "Did you know that the very first assembly of photographs to create a motion picture was a two-second clip of a black man on a horse?" What does the significance of the history of black men and horses add to the film?
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