The Catwoman
The Catwoman film takes place in an ambiguous modern city, where Patience Phillips is a struggling artist working for a large-scale beauty company. As she struggles with her new found abilities and heightened senses after being reborn as a Catwoman, she finds that these new abilities often turn her into two separate personas. As she grapples to find understanding and answers about her new life, she begins to fall in love with a detective named Tom Lone and discovers even darker secrets about those around her.
Caption 1 : Caption 1 : Patience has just died, the result of her discovering deep secrets about her former employer.
Caption 2 :In this photo, Patience has just died, meanwhile the cat Midnight, gifted with special abilities, brings her back to life to be reborn as a Catwoman.
Caption 3 : In this photo we see Catwoman strutting her stuff in a nightclub, trying to find information.
Throughout this film, Catwoman and Patience are intertwined, constantly fighting for control over who they are or want to be. The significance of this film is about accepting one’s true nature and no longer hiding behind the fear of rejection. This is especially the case when the villainous plot is about obsessing over physical beauty, Catwoman's challenge to accept inner beauty becomes a driving factor in who she becomes. The idea of being one of the first female superheroes to appear on screen can drive the message that it's important for every woman to accept their inner beauty. Throughout the movie, the sequential art that is produced in action scenes, romantic scenes, and more helps demonstrate how Patience struggles to determine who she is and helps audiences relate to finding their own path in life.
How do the characters’ wardrobes/hairstyles/mannerisms affect how you perceive these characters’ personalities?
How do the differences in Patience and Catwoman appear differently on screen in different scenes? For example: lighting, music, etc.
When Patience and Catwoman are having moments of split personality, how does one define different types of your personalities as good or bad within your identity?
(Pitof). (2004). Catwoman; Action/Fantasy. Warner Bros. Pictures.
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